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Landlord to pay £25,000 fine over new windows and messy bins

beford landlord

A rogue landlord who ignored multiple planning enforcement notices has been ordered to pay more than £25,000.

Bedford-based Mohammed Saleem was found guilty of violations at properties he rented out at 1-13 Greyfriars, 57-65 Midland Road (pictured), and 85-91 Harpur Street in the town.

The landlord had breached enforcement notices in relation to the replacement of windows in a conservation area, cycle parking, noise mitigation and bin storage/collection.

Saleem, along with his company Samsons Ltd, was fined a total of £11,280 and ordered to cover the council’s £14,255 costs.

Councillor Andrea Spice (pictured), portfolio holder for economic growth, planning and prosperity, says the convictions were the result of "amazing work by Bedford Council’s planning enforcement team".

“They underscore the council’s commitment to upholding planning regulations and ensuring compliance,” she adds.

Long running

“This has been a long-running case, but our enforcement teams don’t give up lightly. I am very pleased we have managed to bring this case to court and the council has successfully prosecuted the offenders.”

Beford landlords face several legal hurdles other than planning restrictions in the town, including two HMO licencing schemes covering both smaller (additional since 2018 across 27 of the borough’s wards) and larger (mandatory) properties both of which cost £730 for each five-year scheme.

Read more about Bedford landlords


Hmo fines

