Landlords are being warned to beware of scammers renting out parking spaces outside their properties following a expose on national radio.
Landlord Simon Gallagher had to install bollards after someone began advertising his tenants' driveway to commuters for �8 a day.
The tenants had complained that strangers were leaving cars in their dedicated parking bays, leaving them with nowhere to park.
'This was going on for about a month or so,'� says Gallagher, 'until one day somebody had left a note in the window of one of the cars that was parked there with a booking reference for Just Park.
'I looked it up on the website and to my surprise, found a photograph of the flat advertised out for rent.'�
Parking website Just Park lets people advertise parking spaces for hire on their own land. It has apologised to Gallagher and other homeowners who also complained that their driveways were listed without their permission.
Just Park has removed the unauthorized adverts; it insists it has stringent checks in place to prevent fraud and that cases are extremely rare.
Speaking on Radio 4's You & Yours programme, founder and chief executive officer, Anthony Eskinazi, said: 'On rare occasions where they are added, we immediately remove them once notified and ensure that our community is not adversely affected.'�
Just Park says it has successfully reduced instances of fraud to less than two listings per month, which represents less than one out of every 1,000 new listings.