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Majority of renters support banning Section 21 evictions and rent controls - claim

parliament renters reform bill

Most renters support the changes within the looming Renters (Reform) Bill getting its second reading today in parliament, a lobbying group's polling of some 4,000 renters has revealed.

The Renters’ Reform Coalition (RRC) also found that those who supported its measures wanted the Government to go further and that support for the Tory party among renters is in ‘freefall’ with just 47% saying they’d vote for the party at the next election.

The RRC is organising a demonstration today at parliament to lobby ‘pro-landlord’ MPs who they say are responsible for the Bill’s slow progress through parliament to date.

Some 87 MPs earn an income from residential property, of whom 68 are Conservatives, and it is rumoured that these MPs will rebel during today’s reading.

Rent controls

In summary, RRC’s polling found that a large majority respondents supported: a ban on section 21 evictions; increasing notice periods from two to four months when evicting to sell a property; protecting tenants during the first two years of a tenancy; and bringing in rent controls.

Tom Darling (pictured), Campaign Manager at the RRC, says: “Our polling today shows broad public support for pro-renter measures in the bill and even those that go well beyond the legislation – including from Conservative voters.

“And there’s a particular warning for the Conservative party who, perhaps contrary to the received wisdom, had one in four of their voters from 2019 live in the private rented sector. That support is now in freefall.”

The polling was carried out by British Polling Council member Opinium with a sample of 4,295 voters in England between 17th – 20th of October.

Read a full guide to the evictions process
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Renters reform bill
Section 21 notices

