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Landlord faces jail if he abuses tenant - his MOTHER - again!

landlord tenant|

The landlord of a retirement flat faces jail if he contravenes a court order not to visit the property or engage in abusive, insulting and intimidating behaviour 'likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress'�.

During a hearing at Sheffield Crown Court, Judge Sadiq told landlord David Rollinson that if he broke the injunction again it was highly likely that he'd be sent to prison.

The case is an unusual one '� Rollinson, who owns a property within a retirement housing block in Sheffield called Elm Tree House (main picture), rents it out to his 70-year-old mother.

The court heard that over an extended period Rollinson had been attending the property and verbally and physically threatening his mother and council staff.

In November last year a court injunction was secured by Sheffield City Council to prevent him from visiting the property after it was found that he'd exhibited anti-social behaviour including noise nuisance, shouting, arguing, physical violence and criminal damage.


But despite the injunction, which has now been extended, Rollinson was seen within the building on at least two occasions and council offices told the court he'd abused and pushed council officers and been verbally abusive to his mother, who he said owed him money.

Rollinson was spared jail at the latest hearing after the judge said his previous good behaviour and the '�lesser' nature of his behaviour were considered.

But the landlord is not off the hook '� he will return to court at the end of June for the situation to be reviewed.

Judge Sadiq (pictured) warned him: 'If further breaches take place between now and 29 June 2023, a custodial sentence is likely, which might or might not be suspended.

'I trust the Defendant will now understand the seriousness with which breaches of the injunction will be considered by the court and that there will be no repetition.'�

Read the judgement in full.


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