All Jersey’s landlords will need a licence from the beginning of next month after the Island’s government launched a scheme to improve standards in the PRS.
Online applications open on 1st May, with a transitional period of three months, during which time their properties won’t need to be inspected to get a licence. From 1st August, it will be illegal to rent out a home without a licence, and an inspection might be required. Licences cost £60 and are valid for two years.
Approved by States Members last November, the Rented Dwelling Licensing Scheme aims to provide the government with more detailed information about which properties are being rented out and who to work with when improvements are needed.
Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce, believes the application process won’t be a massive burden for landlords. “This is about the health and safety of tenants and ensuring the homes Islanders live in meet certain standards,” he says. “We know there are many good landlords in Jersey, but there are also too many tenants having to live in mouldy properties, or perhaps homes where the fire alarm doesn’t work, or where the staircases simply aren’t safe to climb.”
Properties must meet minimum standards of electrical safety, gas safety, and have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Landlords will need to provide tenants with a copy of the licence and written information explaining how they can raise a concern or complaint. They also need to provide contact details, tenancy agreement and a condition report.
A new Landlords’ Toolkit is online at www.gov.je/renteddwellings along with the detailed Code of Practice and a summary of the guidance.
This is not the only regulatory effort by the Jersey government - proposals have included rent controls, while deposits regulation has been tightened up.