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Big city council seeks more powers to curb HMOs

salford hmos

Salford Council wants new powers to help stem the growth of HMOs in the city.

The Greater Manchester authority is consulting on a supplementary planning document that addresses problems caused by an over-concentration of HMOs including parking pressures, crime and “imbalanced and unsustainable communities, with higher levels of transience and less sustainable local services”, according to its report.  

The document provides a threshold to guide the location of HMOs and would allow no more than 10% of the residential properties in any 100-metre radius to be HMOs. Salford has had an Article 4 Direction operating in its Central Salford wards and the wards of Barton and Eccles since 2018.

Last year, it decided to introduce an additional Article 4 direction that would come into force in November 2024, subject to the findings of another consultation. This would mean that the only areas of the city where planning permission isn’t required for small HMOs would be the current wards of Boothstown and Ellenbrook, Higher Irlam and Peel Green, and Cadishead and Lower Irlam (see main image map).


This additional planning rule [more info] would help ensure that a converted HMO doesn’t adversely affect the surrounding neighbourhood, particularly when it comes to an increase in noise, parking, waste, and population turnover.

Councillor Mike McCusker (pictured), lead member for planning, transport and sustainable development, says the plan’s purpose is to better manage the provision of new HMOs throughout Salford by providing a threshold to guide their location.

He adds: “The reasons are that although the majority of HMOs in Salford are well managed and provide decent homes, experience has shown that an over concentration of HMOs can have an unacceptable impact on the positive residential character of areas.”

The consultation ends on 4th April. Landlords can reply via email via this document.


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