Readers concerned by the looming Renters Reform Bill should make their way to the National Landlord Investment Show on 14th March were Paul Shamplina will be leading a debate on its radical measures.
Panellists on the stage with him will include Richard Blanco from the NRLA, Julie Ford of tenancy consultancy Gothard Rowe, Sue Coulson of tenant finder service Capital Letters.
They will be talking about the multiple and dramatic changes that landlords, tenants and letting agents will face once the Bill becomes law, most likely later this year.
Although delayed, NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle this week said that the Bill is likely to enter parliament sooner rather than later, possibly before the Easter recess at the end of May.
Shamplina's debate, which is taking place at Old Billingsgate in London at 2pm, will look at the 12 proposals already on the table within last June's renting reform white paper.
This included plans to abolish Section 21 '�no fault' evictions, limit rent rises to once a year, a single ombudsman for the sector, a national register of landlord properties, greater investigative powers for local councils and fixed-length '�periodic' tenancies.
The Government has said it will give landlords a six months' grace period to adjust to the new measures once the Bill becomes law '� so a hard compliance deadline in early 2024.
As well as hosting the debate, Shamplina is also appearing on several other panel sessions at the show, and hosting his own talk.