Paul Shamplina has assembled a panel of experts to run a training day this summer that will advise and coach landlords to navigate the tough economic and regulatory environment facing the privately rented sector.
The TV star and Landlord Action founder will co-hosting the event with National Landlord Investment Show founders Tracey and Steve Hanbury (main image left and right).
Other experts on hand to give advice on a range of subjects and issues are to include David Coughlin of the National Association of Property Buyers, Susie Crolla of the Guild of Letting & Management, BTL finance expert lee Grandin, Leigh Young of guaranteed rent specialist Elliot Leigh, tax expert Sean Hughes and leading letting agent Steve Wayne.
To be held on June 5th in central London, it will cost £199 to attend which includes breakfast and lunch.
“The non-nonsense programme will address the key challenges facing landlords and provide them with invaluable information,” says Shamplina.
“Run by me and the National Landlord Investment Show this event is designed by a team with decades of experience at the ground level of how to survive and thrive with constant changes in the economy, the rental market, regulation, legislation and taxation.”
Steve Hanbury adds: “We jumped at the chance when Paul approached us to co-organise a training day for landlords. In this ever-changing business, landlords are more than ever having to learn where to go right, avoid the wrongs and be professional.
For more information and to book tickets, visit the event’s website.