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Join the wonderful world of the landlord webinar

nrla training

NRLA training takes many forms, with in-person, eLearning and eClassroom courses all popular. But what of the webinar? With tens of thousands of landlords signing up - and even the housing minister getting on board - Kitty Ellison (main picture, inset), NRLA Head of Training explains more.

When housing minister Jacob Young MP was searching for a quick and effective way of talking to landlords in the wake of last month’s Renters (Reform) Bill debate, he looked no further than the NRLA.

And what better medium to communicate directly with members en masse than via a webinar?

The minister delivered the exclusive member event for an audience of a thousand landlords and property professionals less than 24 hours after the debate took place on April 24.

He also took questions from members during the 45-minute session, giving landlords direct access to the Minister leading on the bill … all from the comfort of their own homes.

This is just one of the ways webinars have transformed the way we at the NRLA communicate and share knowledge in a way that is both clear and accessible – and free for members. They are also interactive, giving landlords the opportunity to join the conversation or ask questions, depending on the topic.

Growing popularity

Since the NRLA came into being the association has delivered almost 100 webinars on everything from energy efficiency to Welsh legislation change, and everything in between, with well over 31,000 landlords tuning in since then.

Energy efficiency has been one of the most popular subjects, appearing a number of times in the ‘top ten’ as well as – unsurprisingly – the Renters (Reform) Bill, which is currently making its way through Parliament.

The most popular webinar overall in the three years since the programme was launched was ‘Top Seven Property Investment Tips., delivered by property developer and NRLA trainer Henry Davis. Henry runs the association’s four investment courses, including How to Succeed in the Property Business, the Key to Property Investment, Property Refurbishment and Property Auctions.

Webinars were also invaluable during the Covid-19 pandemic as a way of offering remote training, keeping members up-to-date with the latest on news regarding coronavirus and its impact on the private rented sector; as well as building and maintaining communities when in-person meeting and training courses were off-limits.

As well as the national offer there are still regional webinars to complement our work on the ground in local communities across England and Wales, where members can keep up to date on all the latest PRS news in their area.


As with NRLA training courses, attendance at NRLA webinars can also help members who want to become accredited with the NRLA pick up Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points – with attendance recorded automatically and added to each member’s account.

Feedback so far has praised ‘slick and informative sessions’, ‘clearly explained and delivered in a friendly manner’.

So, what are you waiting for? Come and join us to see what all the fuss is about and become part of our vibrant landlord community.

For latest information on the NRLA webinar and events programme click here.

Members can also access recent webinar recordings – to listen back on anything you might have missed.

Latest training news and a full list of courses offered by the NRLA Training Academy.


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