Housing Minister Rachel Maclean has rejected more calls for new tenants to be given two years before landlords can pursue a possession order.
In a written question, Leicester East MP Claudia Webbe asked Maclean whether the DLUHC planned to increase the length of the period at the start of a tenancy in which the landlord does not have a guaranteed right to possession, from six months to two years.
Mclean insisted that tenants would have much more security under the new system. “Unlike with Section 21, landlords will always need a reason to evict a tenant and be prepared to evidence that reason in court,” she added. “Six months strikes the right balance between improving security for tenants and ensuring landlords continue to feel confident in the market.”
Back in 2019, the government had proposed a two-year period at the start of a tenancy during which landlords could not apply for possession under either the occupation or sales grounds. Tenants groups including Generation Rent and Shelter have both called for an extension to 24 months.
Under the proposed Renters Reform Bill, which received its second reading on Monday, all assured tenancies will be monthly periodic tenancies. New possession grounds are being introduced which landlords will be able to use after six months where they need the property back to live in or sell. It will be a criminal offence to market for letting, or to relet, a property where possession has been regained under these grounds within three months.