PRS organisations, forums and landlord groups have joined forces to launch the Housing Coalition, which aims to give the sector a voice and improve private rental housing standards.
It hopes to make renting fairer for the benefit of landlords, agents, and tenants, as well as provide an environment for landlords and agents to support housing needs. It is also keen to expand membership to create an inclusive group for organisations with similar aims.
An initial focus is to lobby politicians over the Renters Reform Bill, particularly addressing the challenge of moving from fixed term tenancies, which may adversely impact student lets. It also wants to raise the issue of local authorities having adequate resources to maintain standards within the PRS and to ensure that the UK government introduces pro-growth measures to stimulate the supply of private rental properties.
While the coalition recognises that the removal of Section 21 has cross-party support, it will focus efforts on ensuring court reforms are fit for purpose, to allow landlords to seek possession via the courts.
Timothy Douglas, Propertymark’s head of policy and campaigns, says it’s a fantastic opportunity to collaborate and make sure that the groups’ voices are heard when it comes to reforming the private rental sector.
He adds: “By working together and harnessing our collective experiences, knowledge, data and case studies from across the country we can challenge policy makers and bring about positive change going forward.”
Membership includes: Propertymark, Possession Friend, iHowz, North East Landlords Association, SafeAgent, Property 118, Property Tribes, Cornwall Residential Landlords Association, Greater Yarmouth Landlords Association, Humber and District Landlords Association, Portsmouth and District Landlords Association, Northwest Landlords Association and the Scottish Association of Landlords.