The Scottish government has promised that proposals to deliver on its New Deal for Tenants are imminent.
These will include action to stop unfair evictions and new rights to allow tenants the right to keep pets and decorate, along with greater penalties for illegal evictions and a national system of rent controls.
Scottish Minister for Tenants’ Rights, Patrick Harvie (main picture), says the package of reforms will work for tenants, and support good, responsible landlords who want to provide secure, high-quality homes at a fair cost.
Writing in the Glasgow Times, Harvie promises that the Scottish Greens will soon take the next steps to improve protection for tenants, building on progress made since devolution.
Pressures on private renters have been especially acute over the past two years, which prompted him to introduce emergency legislation including a rent cap, he explains.
“There are many people all across our city who have saved hundreds of pounds as a result, and who have been able to keep a stable and secure roof over their heads throughout the pandemic and a period of high inflation and bills,” says Harvie.
The cap will be lifted on 31st March and new protections will be in place that limit rent rises. Under these rules, tenants must still be given the normal three months’ notice of any rent rise, but they can also challenge extreme rent rises.
Across Europe, well-regulated renting goes hand in hand with more investment, claims Harvie. “I don’t believe we should accept a future in which fewer and fewer people can afford to live comfortably.
"No home and no tenant can be left behind if we are to build the sort of society and the sort of Glasgow where everyone can have stability, peace of mind and a place to call their own.”