A cross-party group of MPs and peers has warned that the government needs to get its Renters Reform Bill right if it is to avoid exacerbating the housing crisis.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Private Rented Sector has also urged ministers to bring tenant, landlord and letting agent groups together as it shapes its final legislative package and has flagged up the pressing need for more private rented homes.
The group – which published views from across the sector, including the NRLA, Shelter and Propertymark, on the future of the rental market - has expressed “serious concern” that local authorities will struggle to enforce rental reforms without a significant boost to their resources.
It says a common theme among all those who contributed to the publication was the need to take steps to address the actions of rogue and criminal landlords, and has also expressed concern that renters and responsible landlords will likely struggle to defend their rights in the courts when section 21 evictions are scrapped and there is an increase in contested possession hearings.
Andrew Lewer MP, APPG chair, says it’s vital that the bill provides security to tenants, gives confidence to responsible landlords and roots out rogue and criminal landlords providing sub-standard housing. However, he adds that none of this will be possible without robust enforcement of the powers being proposed.
“The government needs to provide substantial multi-year funding to ensure councils have the resources they need to enforce the planned decent homes standard and ensure all rented homes are safe and secure,” says Lewer.
“It is simply unacceptable that ministers have provided scant detail about what improvements to the justice system will look like and when they will happen.”