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Likely cost of EPC upgrades for rental properties revealed by Government

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Energy efficiency improvement costs for most private rental homes work out at between �5,000 and �9,999 (46%), while almost a third (30%) could be improved for under �5,000, according to the latest government analysis.

At the other end of the scale, 19% of homes would cost between �10,000 and �14,999 to improve to at least an Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) band C, and a further 5% of homes would require �15,000 or more.

The English Housing Survey reveals that in 2021, most private renters lived in homes with a band A to C (44%) followed closely by band D (42%) while the remaining 14% lived in homes with an EER band of E to G. 


It reports that 23% are estimated to fail the Decent Homes Standard and 14% are estimated to be unsafe according to the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). Private rented homes were also more likely to have damp than all other tenures; almost 11% compared with 4% of social rented homes and 2% of owner-occupied homes,

Private renters have been in their current home for an average of 4.4 years, according to the survey. 


The most common reason for leaving was because they wanted to move (77%) with the least common reasons given as, the end of a fixed period tenancy (11%), mutual agreement with the landlord (10%), they were evicted or asked to leave by their landlord/agent (4%), a poor relationship with the landlord (3%) or the tenancy was part of a job that ended (2%).

One in four (25%) private rented households reported received housing support in 2021-22, while 3% were either currently in arrears or had been in arrears in the last year (4%); 10% had been refused a tenancy in the past 12 months because they received benefits.

Read the English Housing Survey.


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