A leading landlord has received an MBE within the New Year Honours List.
Welsh property sector figure Amanda St John Davey is a property developer, business mentor, property coach and landlord with a large residential property portfolio both in the UK and overseas.
But she has received her gong for services to Women In Property, a group that champions females working within the construction and property sectors.
It believes that “success and its rewards should be founded on merit and expertise, rather than gender”, its website says.
Her roles within the organisations have included National Chairman, Vice National Chairman and she is an ongoing member of its National Strategic Advisory Board.
Women in Property operates within both construction as well as property, seeking an industry that is “balanced, diverse and inclusive, so we nurture girls aspiring to a career in the built environment sector, as well as supporting those in ‘mid-career’ and at board level”.
It has the official and financial backing of estate agency Savills as well as Amazon, construction giant Bouygues UK and architect firm TP Bennett and has a dozen regional branches across the UK.
The other figure to receive an OBE in the Honours list is Andrew Dixon (pictured), who is well knows as a campaigner for property tax reform via his Fairer Share website.
Dixon and his supporters want the council tax to be abolished and replaced with a more proportional annual property value tax. His campaign has minimal following among landlords as it would require them, and not tenants, to fund local council budgets.
He recently said that: “Proportional property taxes are commonplace in many countries indicating their feasibility and acceptance among the public”.