A landlord was shocked to discover a bank had painted a giant mural on the side of his rental property without permission.
The artwork - featuring football player Marcus Rashford – was used to advertise NatWest’s latest financial skills scheme for young people and appeared on Peter Brynin’s student flat in Brighton.
The front door to the house is on Trafalgar Lane, famed for being covered in graffiti by local artists and re-named 'Grafalgar Lane', however Brynin objects to the corporate painting, he told the Brighton Argus.
“Obviously I was taken quite aback. I can’t go up to their bank in Westminster and paint a logo of my business on the side - it would be criminal damage.
"I am fine with graffiti and murals, but what I don't want to see it being used for is an advertising space.”
Brynin owns the section of the wall where the QR code, information sign and NatWest logo is painted. He fears the advert will attract anti-social behaviour such as graffiti on his back door and has already had to repaint it since the advert appeared. The property is currently available to let.
“Especially after all the fury about the politicians, people have ruined my front door,” he added.
“It is an art wall [see previous incarnation above). It’s known for that. I have no objection to Rashford, I have no objection to the art, but I do object to an advert where I haven’t been contacted at all.”
NatWest, which is a landlord itself, said the space was purchased “in good faith” for the campaign and it was unaware the wall did not entirely belong to just one owner. It has apologised and reached a resolution.
Image: Andrew Gardner/The Argus and Google Streetview