A rogue portfolio landlord has been banned from letting properties for five years after she admitted multiple offences relating to fire safety issues.
Naomi Knapp, a landlord with 34 properties in Bristol, was convicted of eight banning order offences and will now be added to the government's rogue landlord database.
Following a case brought by Bristol Council's private housing team, a First Tier Property Tribunal made the decision to ban Knapp after it heard about missing or inadequately installed fire doors and damaged and poorly maintained walls and ceilings. Fixtures and fittings in the communal areas of the properties were also damaged and badly maintained.
The landlord has a long history of non-compliance, according to the council, which has previously worked informally with Knapp before it decided to take action in April 2021 at Bristol Magistrates Court over three poorly managed HMOs.
The tribunal was satisfied that a �22,000 fine for her offences was a suitably severe sentence, and highlighted Knapp's lack of understanding of the legal requirements. It added that her failure to follow up on her proposals to make improvements demonstrated her unwillingness to change conditions for the better.
Councillor Tom Renhard (pictured), cabinet member for housing delivery and homes, says: 'Any tenant who rents from Ms Knapp does not need to do anything at this point '� the banning order does not change a renter's legal rights and does not necessarily mean they will need to leave their properties. However, if they are concerned about their rights they should contact the council or Citizen's Advice Bureau for support.'�
Bristol has now successfully applied to ban three landlords.