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Irony of ironies: Gove 'evicted' from his Ministerial home!

one carlton gardens

Housing Secretary Michael Gove faces eviction from his government-owned mansion on 5th July, the morning after the election.

After years spent trying to solve the housing crisis and promising to ban no fault evictions, the Tory politician might soon be homeless, reports The Standard.

Gove has been living at One Carlton Gardens (main image), just down the road from Buckingham Palace since November 2021, following his separation from his wife and newspaper columnist Sarah Vine.

The decision to let him live at the £25 million property - which is usually reserved for the Foreign Secretary - was partly motivated by security concerns.

Gove has thoroughly enjoyed his stay, regularly hosting events and has even been ticked off by neighbours for taking guests onto the roof.

However, the Surrey Heath MP, who announced last month that he would be standing down at the election despite enjoying an 18,000 majority, hasn’t firmed up new arrangements.

High places

With his many friends in high places, Gove shouldn’t struggle to find a new place, but there’s also been speculation about his career plans which could involve a job back on The Times newspaper alongside a stint on Strictly Come Dancing.

Former celebrity dancer Ed Balls has been offering advice after the paper reported the Housing Secretary would be making an appearance on the show.

Gove, who has previously been spotted throwing shapes in Aberdeen nightclubs, has thanked Balls for his advice but still hasn’t confirmed whether he will be dancing the paso doble in the next series.


Michael gove

