A contrite landlord has apologised to the tenant he tried to illegally evict after being rapped on the knuckles by Coventry Council.
The landlord sent text messages telling his tenant to leave when they told him the rent would be late. He then visited the property and took the tenant's key. The tenant then contacted Coventry City Council who interviewed the landlord and issued a formal caution.
The authority says the landlord showed immediate remorse, apologised to the tenant, and arranged for a solicitor to handle any future evictions while he tries to sell the property.
Formal cautions can be given to those landlords who admit wrongdoing at an early stage and accept responsibility for their offences and only where there is enough evidence to realistically gain a prosecution.
They don't allow for the offender to be publicly named but might prevent a landlord from obtaining licenses.
Councillor David Welsh (pictured), cabinet member for housing and communities, says enforcement action is a crucial part of the council's work to protect its residents from unlawful eviction.
He adds: 'This is just one of many ways we are working to improve housing standards and reflects our commitment to ensuring homes in the private rented sector are properly managed. Tenants need to know that support is there from the council, and this is especially key because of the added pressures caused by the cost-of-living crisis.'�