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Fire Certificate

What was the Fire Certificate is no longer required as it was previously under the Fire Precautions Act 1971 for hotels, boarding houses, factories, offices, shops and railway premises.

All these premises must comply with Fire Regulations, now covered by the The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 England and Wales - see here

This Order replaces previous fire safety legislation and any fire certificate issued under the Fire Precautions Act 1971 will cease to have any effect. If a fire certificate was issued in respect of your premises or the premises were built to recent building regulations, as long as you have made no material alterations and all the physical fire precautions have been properly maintained, then it is unlikely you will need to make any significant improvements to your existing physical fire protection arrangements to comply with the Order.However, you must carry out fire risk assessments and keep it up to date to ensure that all the fire precautions in your premises remain current and adequate. If you have previously carried out a fire risk assessment under the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997/1999 and this assessment has been regularly reviewed then all you will need to do now is update that assessment, taking into account the wider scope of the new Order.If premises are subject to the provisions of a licence or registration (e.g. under the Licensing Act 2003) then the fire authority may wish to review your risk assessment as part of the licensing approval process.Employers and/or building owners, occupiers or managing agents - "the responsible person" - must carry out a fire safety risk assessment and keep it up to date. This shares the same approach as health and safety risk assessments and can be carried out either as part of an overall risk assessment or as a separate exercise.


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