Two unlicensed HMOs have been discovered during unannounced inspections by a council in the North, which says more 'surprise visits' are on the cards.
Officers from Ashfiield's environmental health residential team discovered six men living in a small flat on Outram Street in Hucknall (main picture) who were being charged more than �1,500 a month by the landlord.
Another HMO in Hucknall had a bypassed electric meter and no fire detection in place. A third property inspected in Sutton was found to be overcrowded with no heating, and damp and mould problems (see pic).
Officers took immediate action to ensure the tenants were safe and are now investigating all the landlords.
Councillor Tom Hollis, executive lead for strategic housing and climate change, says the team has information to suggest there are about 80 HMOs in the Nottinghamshire district that might need a licence or which are smaller HMOs not complying with regulations.
'Over the coming months officers will continue with investigations of suspected HMOs as part of our dedication to improve housing and safeguard our most vulnerable residents,'� says Hollis.
He adds: 'The vast majority of landlords in Ashfield operate responsibly, but there is a small minority that don'�t, and this can put their tenants at risk and impact on the wider community.
"Overcrowded properties often house the most vulnerable residents in the community, and we are committed to targeting unscrupulous landlords and improving the lives for private tenants.'�
Pics: Ashifeld Council/Google Streetview