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Charities and campaigners slam Government over 'weak' renting reforms


In a sign that the Renters (Reform) Bill is annoying many and pleasing few, charities and pro-tenant groups have today joined forces to slam the legislation for being too weak.

The Renters’ Reform Coalition, which includes some 20 campaigning, charity and official organisations, has written to the Prime Minister criticising the delays to the bill in parliament which it says contrasts with more immediate help given to mortgage holders in recent weeks.

But the group has also picked apart the Bill itself, saying:  

  • As drafted it does not stop unaffordable rent increases being de-facto no-fault evictions for many people.
  • Remters can still be served an eviction notice – through no-fault of their own – after four months of a tenancy. The letter says this needs to be “considerably longer”.
  • Renters still only get two months’ notice when being evicted. The letter says this “is simply not long enough – and is a major cause of homelessness following evictions from their privately rented homes”.

“Renting in England is in Crisis. Rents are rising at their fastest rate since records began, a fifth of privately rented homes don’t meet a ‘decent’ standard, and no-fault evictions continue to be a leading cause of homelessness,” says Tom Darling, Campaign Manager of the Renters’ Reform Coalition.

“Four years after promising change, and two months after first giving people hope by introducing legislation, the Government’s continued delays to the Renters (Reform) Bill are inexplicable.

Families evicted

“Each day the Bill is delayed, 172 families are served with an eviction notice. This is the human cost of the Government’s lackadaisical attitude to delivering on this key piece of legislation.

“That is why we as the Renters’ Reform Coalition and partners have joined together today to write to the Prime Minister and ask why the Government can’t seem to see that private renters deserve security in their homes, just like everyone else, and that they deserve it now.”

Read a guide to the Renters (Reform) Bill.


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