The London borough of Greenwich has launched a consultation into renewing its additional licensing scheme.
The previous scheme ran from October 2017 and ended in September, and the council now wants landlords and tenants to help it decide whether to start it up again from April 2023.
This means that landlords won'�t need to licence smaller HMOs until then.
Greenwich says those with an existing additional HMO licence can continue to use this until the five-year expiry date - provided a further scheme is approved. Any landlords who recently submitted a licence application which has not been issued can apply for a refund.
A review of the previous scheme found it had been successful in improving conditions within HMOs and local communities, with a reduction in anti-social behaviour and fly tipping.
However, not all landlords licensed their properties; in 2021 it estimated that there were 5,000 HMOs in the borough but only about 1,240 had a licence (669 of these were additional licences) and the council hopes by extending the scheme it can secure wider compliance. Its report proposes that current licence fees of �408 will remain in place until April 2024.
In October, the borough introduced its selective licensing scheme in Woolwich Riverside, Woolwich Common, Shooters Hill, Plumstead Common and Plumstead Glyndon wards.
The online consultation ends on 18th January.