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Rent repayment orders


Tribunal slams 'reprehensible' landlord who illegally evicted nurse

Tribunal slams 'reprehensible' landlord who illegally evicted nurse


A landlord who sub-let an unlicensed HMO, failed to pay thousands of pounds in rent to the owner and illegally evicted a tenant has been handed a £4,872 rent repayment order.

Landlord to repay tenants £21,500 after Tribunal probe

Landlord to repay tenants £21,500 after Tribunal probe


Four tenants will share a £21,515 rent repayment order after they took their landlord to court for repeatedly failing to licence his HMO.

London landlords to repay tenants £45,000 after Tribunal decisions

London landlords to repay tenants £45,000 after Tribunal decisions


Three London landlords are to pay over £45,000 in rent back to their tenants following separate Tribunal decisions, highlighting the increasing risks of Rent Repayment Orders as renters become more aware of the huge sums that are often involved.

London landlord narrowly avoids refunding tenant £32,000

London landlord narrowly avoids refunding tenant £32,000


A landlord has avoided a £32,000 rent repayment order after a judge ruled his flat was at an address not covered by a licensing scheme, but only just.

'Ignorance of law no excuse' as landlord repays tenants £10,500

'Ignorance of law no excuse' as landlord repays tenants £10,500


A landlord who blamed her agent and tenants for not telling her about a selective licensing scheme has been hit with a £10,572 rent repayment order.

'Rent repayment orders being used beyond their original purpose'

'Rent repayment orders being used beyond their original purpose'


Some build-to-rent developments are increasingly falling foul of Rent Repayment Order (RRO) legislation, in a move away from its original aim to tackle poor HMOs, it has been claimed.

Landlords to repay former tenants £15,000 despite £11,000 rent arrears

Landlords to repay former tenants £15,000 despite £11,000 rent arrears


A mother and son landlord duo are to repay their former tenants £15,000 in a case highlighting how the rent repayment order system can be very one-sided.

Tenant pockets £5,000 from Tribunal after realising HMO was unlicenced

Tenant pockets £5,000 from Tribunal after realising HMO was unlicenced


A tenant who discovered that his landlord had not licenced the HMO in which he lived is to pocket £5,000 after winning a rent repayment order (RRO) during a Tribunal hearing.

Generation Rent calls for big landlord regulation push in Wales

Generation Rent calls for big landlord regulation push in Wales


Generation Rent has urged the Welsh government to introduce an ombudsman for the PRS along with more grounds for rent repayment orders (RROs) in order to improve tenants’ lives.