Landlords in the South of England are being invited to attend a landlord show being held by one of the region's larger letting agencies.
Charters, which is holding even at its large HQ in Southampton tomorrow, says the show will offer buy-to-let landlords advice on how to manage their portfolios more efficiently, along with an exhibition of specialist firms.
This will include a leading legal firm, EPC advisor, accountancy and tax specialist, mortgage broker and a rent guarantee service supplier.
Visitors will also be able to attend free seminars including a session on recent and looming regulation changes faced by the private rental sector.
The exhibitors are from some of the leading names associated with the rental market in the south.
In its second year, the show is being attended by Dutton Gregory Solicitors, Menzies LLP, and Goodlord.
Landlords interested in attending should can visit the firm's website or come along to the venue at 73 The Avenue, Southampton SO17 1XS, UK.